Friday, November 18, 2011

A New Life Starting Over

so i know i've been.. less then around for this blog (wow its really been a year since my last post? scary). however, reading one of my "AWE-somest-friend-ever's" blog, i feel that is time to change that (i decided this a month ago, i've just been busy).

ms. haley has a cool challenge on her blog that i thought it would be fun to try. a 30 day (possibly won't be within or possibly over that time frame, but i'll try) challenge to share more about yourself.

so here goes - DAY ONE

10 facts about yourself:

i ate chinese food for dinner and the fortune cookie teaches me how to say the chinese zodiac-sheep, which i find very ironic since my zodiac animal is, in fact, a sheep.
Lucky Numbers 54, 24, 50, 49, 15, 39

2. i hate my art marketing class the only useful thing i've learned is how to write a resume and i made a business card. the rest makes me feel poor, a tree murderer (my back pack is so heavy), and this is the first semester where i spent more than a weeks worth of days staying up past 1:00am for a single class.

3. i have a child-complex. beyond my nephews and nieces and the children i work with, i love staring at strangers children. stalker? nooo...

4. i try not to be a smarty-pants but sometimes you don't know the answer and i do...

5. if i could sew, i would so be a clothes designer. i love creating outfits for myself, friends, and characters. sadly, i will never be on project runway (my second favorite show).

6. i believe strongly that adults should watch more "children's" movies. i learn more from them than any PG-13 film.

i'm not afraid to try new things (especially food), its just that sometimes i'm set in my ways, like that cow in the road that's been blocking you for 34 minutes.

8. i actually don't want to be a freelance artist. i wanna work for an employer and have to commute to work. i like the stability of an office (though the cubicles i could do without).

9. if i could i would have hair like Pocahontas (only in my natural golden brown), that's what i was going for my senior year when it suddenly began thinning out... thus my thick hair has become short hair.

10. i understand the things that i do today will ruin my future but i love lifting heavy things, ramen is my best friend, and i can't stop cracking my knuckles when the guy next to me sounds like a AK-47.

...yeah that was fun.~

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